29 June 2005


29 June 2005

At the meeting at Dylan Thomas school on Monday, June 20, the council representatives were there, so they said, to listen to the parents' concerns on the closure proposal. They constantly harped on about falling numbers and would not give ground when informed they were working on flawed figures - they just carried on as if we did not exist.

This council and cabinet members for education should hang their heads in shame because the proposals from the floor were sound and workable.

For the benefit of the council and others, Dylan Thomas has 94 surplus places, Bishop Gore 124 and Olchfa 80.

The so-called empty seats at Dylan Thomas are the result of having wheelchairs in the classrooms, this puts a strain on the accommodation.

The school doesn't mind, the pupils don't mind and the parents don't mind.The only people who seem to mind are the council with its so-called falling pupil numbers.

It is with tongue in cheek that I say let some of the pupils not get an education but instead in a few years stand for council, where I am sure that common sense will then prevail.

If, when they are elected, they cut the money paid to former council members, will they shout so we can say "Sorry, but the fall in the number of old council members makes it impossible to keep up payments to them".

Francis V Packington, Portmead Avenue, Blaenymaes, Swansea