30 July 2005
In his suggestion of revisiting the Mayals Primary School option rather than using land in West Cross as the best alternative for Ysgol Gynradd Gyymraeg Llynderw, I feel John Jones (Post, July 27) is missing one fundamental point: that is the closure of Mayals primary would result in educational and social disruption. Although I am not endorsing the proposal, the site at West Cross will not result in the closure of Grange or St David's as these schools will remain intact.
I feel disappointed that Mr Jones advocates the closure of a school and does not consider the educational and emotional effect on the children to be of importance, when there are alternatives. Therefore I do not feel that re-examining the Mayals option is the way forward to resolving the situation.
If this is the case, then clearly the council has no idea of how to implement the school reorganisation plan.
Mrs R Thomas, Wentworth Crescent, Mayals, Swansea
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