21 October 2005


21 October 2005

Residents fighting proposals for a new Welsh medium school in Swansea are calling for opponents to make their voices heard. Swansea Council has put forward plans to build the new school in West Cross Avenue.

It would be the new home for Ysgol Gynradd Gymraeg Llwynderw, which is currently based in temporary classrooms at Bishop Gore School.

A two-month consultation period is now coming to an end. The school has long been on the wish list of parents wanting more Welsh medium education in Swansea.

But locals say it is in the wrong place and are now urging people to show their opposition to the plans.

Margaret Ellis has lived in neighbouring West Cross Lane for 43 years and says the road is busy enough without adding the traffic from a new school.

She said: "It is ridiculous what they are proposing. It is a huge school and West Cross Lane is one of the busiest roads in Swansea.

"Plus the loss of the trees and hedges would be catastrophic.

"We are sending a letter to the director of education, which is what we've been asked to do if we oppose the plans. The trouble is that people don't like putting pen to paper."

Mrs Ellis said the footprint of the school was too small to accommodate the proposals. It would be next to the existing St David's RC Primary School which her grandson attends.

She said many residents shared her concerns and asked them to voice their opposition."On many grounds we think it is not a good site and we think another should be found," she said.

"The longer it goes down the line, the more money we waste and time to find a proper site for this school.

"We should be writing again but people think if they wrote once then that is enough."

A spokesman for Swansea Council said the consultation period ended on November 5 and objections had to be made in writing.

He added: "If there are any objections to the proposals, the whole matter will be sent to the Assembly and a decision will be made by the Minister for Education and Lifelong Learning.

"That decision would not be expected before spring next year."