08 November 2005


8 November 2005

Having attended the consultation meeting at Dylan Thomas Community School regarding the transition proposal, I was appalled to discover that the teachers had been informed on the day the announcement was made of the proposed closure that they would be made redundant on August 31, 2007, if the proposal went ahead. It is a disgrace that any council has the right to sack any teacher who is giving 110 per cent to pupils.

A word of warning to all those in the employment of Swansea Council as teaching and non-teaching staff within schools: you are not safe.

If you don't fight with Dylan Thomas Community School now, you will have no protection from the council when they turn on your school and announce its proposed closure. After all, Swansea North and Swansea East will have the same consultations and two nurseries, two primaries and two comprehensives will face what we are facing in Swansea West now.

You have been warned. It's no good closing the stable door after the horse has bolted - you must fight these proposals now otherwise you will be next.

Susan Spencer, Haig Place, Gendros, Swansea